David Moyes Dipecat rentetan "REKOD CEMERLANG"-nya di Manchester United

LONDON: Pengurus kelab bolasepak Liga Perdana Inggeris, David Moyes telah dipecat oleh kelabnya.

“Pengurus, David Moyes telah meninggal kelab kami,” umum twitter rasmi Manchester United pada Selesa.

“Kami ingin merakamkan ribuan terima kasih atas kerja keras, kejujuran dan integriti yang dibawanya ketika memikul tugas itu.”

BREAKING: The club would like to place on record its thanks for the hard work, honesty and integrity he brought to the role. (part 2 of 2)— Manchester United (@ManUtd)April 22, 2014

Berita pemergian Moyes tiba selepas beberapa hari laporan oleh media Britain yang Moyes akan dipecat, 10 bulan selepas mengambil alih tugas itu dari pengurus lagenda Alex Ferguson.

Moyes yang berusia 50 tahun dan berasal dari Scotland terpaksa mengharungi musim getir bersamaRed Devilsyang jatuh ke tangga tujuh Liga Perdana Inggeris, sekaligus tersingkir dari saingan peringkat tempatan dan Liga Juara-Juara Eropah.

United tewas 2-0 dalam perlawanan terakhir mereka di tangan bekas kelab bimbingan Moyes iaitu Everton. Ini juga kekalahan ke-11 berturut-turut buat pasukan itu.

United tidak pernah gagal beraksi di Liga Juara-Juara sejak 1995.

Pada Selasa akhbar-akhbar di Britain melaporkan nasib Moyes disampaikan kepadanya oleh Ketua Eksekutif kelab itu Ed Woodward dalam pertemuan awal pagi di pusat latihan di Carrington.

Jurulatih bersama dan pemain, Ryan Giggs dan bekas rakan sepasukannya Nicky Butt dikatakan akan mengisi buat sementara kerusi yang dikosongkan Moyes menjelang perlawanan bertemu Norwich City hujung minggu ini.

Antara yang disebut-sebut bakal mengisi kekosongan jawatan itu adalah jurulatih Belanda Louis van Gaal. Ia berdasarkan ramalan kaki judi, dengan Jurgen Klopp dari pasukan Borussia Dortmund juga dikatakan calon pilihan

Berikutan pemecatan David Moyes oleh Manchester United, disini kami selitkan rekod Manchester United dibawah bimbingan David Moyes.

Total number of games: Played 51 Won 27 Drew 9 Lost 15 Goals for 86 Goals against 54

Liga Perdana Inggeris: Pld 34 W 17 D 6 L 11 F 56 A 40 PTS 57

Liga Juara-Juara: Pld 10 W 5 D 3 L 2 F 17 A 9

FA Cup: Pld 1 L 1 F 1 A 2

Capital One Cup: Pld 5 W 4 L 1 F 10 A 3*

*Mengalahkan Sunderland selepas masa tambahan di peringkat separuh akhir pertembungan kedua tetapi kalah dalam penentuan penalti.

Community Shield: Pld 1 W 1 F 2 A 0

Mana yang lebih Panas & Hebat Tablet, Windows atau Android ?

Pasaran tablet kini menawarkan lebih banyak pilihan kepada pengguna terutamanya apabila berlaku peningkatan mendadak tablet bersaiz 8 inci dan ke atas dengan Windows 8 yang memenuhi kriteria penting daripada segi spesifikasi, penggunaan, prestasi dan ketahanan.

Tablet jenis ini dilihat lebih cenderung kepada penggunaan yang lebih profesional untuk memenuhi keperluan pejabat, organisasi dan perniagaan.

Namun, tablet Android turut mengalami evolusi terutamanya dalam menawarkan lebih pilihan kepada pengguna. Pilihan ini merangkumi kepelbagaian saiz skrin, prestasi dan penggunaannya yang semakin fleksibel.

Oleh itu, terdapat beberapa faktor penting yang wajar dipertimbangkan supaya anda boleh membezakan dengan ketara tablet-tablet yang menggunakan OS yang berlainan ini.

1. Perkakasan

Tablet Windows 8

Tablet yang dilengkapi Windows 8 biasanya memiliki kualiti binaan perkakasan yang sangat baik. Penanda aras terbaik buat masa sekarang bagi tablet ini ialah Microsoft Surface Pro yang telah diberi kemaskini pada tahun kedua pelancarannya. 

Biasanya, tablet jenis ini dikuasakan oleh pemprosesan Intel empat teras Bay Trail Atom (tertakluk kepada model dan pengeluarnya). Pemproses (CPU) jenis ini lazimnya digunakan kerana ia mampu meningkatkan prestasi semasa tablet disamping menawarkan ketahanan bateri sehingga 9 jam penggunaan.

Sesetengah tablet jenis ini turut berevolusi berdasarkan sasaran pengguna semasa termasuk dengan spesifikasi yang lebih hebat.

Selain menggunakan pemproses Intel Haswell, beberapa jenama tablet Windows 8 seperti Lenovo Yoga dan sebagainya berinteriaksi sebagai peranti hibrid yang berasaskan daripada tablet.

Harga tablet hibrid Windows 8 jenis ini biasanya lebih mahal dan mampu memenuhi selera pengguna yang 'berselera besar'. Manakala dari segi perkakasan, tablet ini sangat selesa untuk aktiviti melayari internet dan menaip.

Tablet Android

Tidak kurang hebatnya, kebanyakan tablet Android kini turut dilengkapi dengan pemprosesan berkuasa dua dan empat teras daripada pelbagai pengeluar yang memberikan kepelbagaian prestasi berpadanan dengan nilai harga tablet yang ditawarkan kepada pengguna.

Faktor rekabentuk peranti turut dipelbagaikan dan memberikan pengguna terlalu banyak pilihan dipasaran termasuk dari segi saiz skrin dan binaan fizikal.

Disebabkan terlalu banyak model, spesifikasi yang ditawarkan agak lebih kurang sama dan anda juga perlu bijak menilai harganya.

Anda boleh memilih saiz daripada yang paling kecil sehingga yang paling besar dengan paparan resolusi antara 720p, 1080p, 2560x1600p atau lebih.

Selain reka bentuk fizikal, tablet jenis ini memiliki pelbagai jenis rekaan yang inovatif termasuk apa yang dipraktikkan pada Galaxy Note 10 dan ke atas.

Malah, boleh dikatakan semua model tablet Android dilengkapi dengan keupayaan sambungan WiFi selain binaan 3G, HSPA+ atau 4G LTE sebagai sambungan tambahan. 

Tablet ini praktikal selain sangat sesuai sebagai kegunaan jika kena pilihannya.

2. Aplikasi dan Perisian

Tablet Windows 8

Antara muka pengguna metro yang mesra dan kebolehan integrasi mudah dengan desktop Windows menjadikan tablet Windows 8 sebagai pilihan. Malah, sesuai dengan reputasinya yang serasi dengan aplikasi pejabat seperti Office.

Walaupun Windows 8 belum mampu menandingi Android dari segi jumlah aplikasi untuk pengguna, namun platform ini lebih selamat dengan pemantauan berterusan untuk memastikan prestasinya sentiasa dalam keadaan terbaik.

Perkembangannya terus meletakkan platform ini berada di garisan positif dengan jalinan kerjasama daripada pelbagai pembangun.

Tablet Android

Sebagai sebuah platform sumber terbuka, perkembangan dan inovasi Android ternyata tidak dapat dibendung terutamanya dari segi aplikasi (apps). Tablet Android mampu bekerja dengan Google Play Store, Amazon Apps Store dan sebarang gedung aplikasi pihak ketiga.

Ribuan aplikasi boleh dimuat turun yang merangkumi aplikasi popular rangkaian sosial, e-mel, pemesejan, pengurusan dan sebagainya. Aspek ini menjadi keutamaan pembangun aplikasi.

Bukan itu sahaja, ia juga sering menjadi sasaran pencerobohan dan mudah diserang virus.


Tablet Windows 8
  • Memiliki reka bentuk fizikal yang baik dan kukuh.
  • Kolaborasi dengan aplikasi pejabat.
  • Spesifikasi sepadan dengan nilai.
  • Sistem sekuriti lebih terjamin.
  • Tidak memiliki banyak pilihan seperti Android.
  • Aplikasi (apps) popular masih kurang dengan bilangan terhad.
  • Sentiasa menerima kemaskini.

Tablet Android
  • Banyak pilihan dan pelbagai model dengan variasi reka bentuk.
  • Harga berpatutan dan mampu milik.
  • Sekuriti kurang, terutamanya aplikasi yang sering menjadi sasaran virus.
  • Mesra pengguna.
  • Terlalu arus perdana (mainstream).
  • Lambat menerima kemaskini sistem operasi (jenama tertentu).
  • Tetapan aplikasi tidak tepat untuk setiap model (skrin besar).

Jadi, yang mana satu pilihan terbaik anda?

Know Your Fabrics !

A Guide To Wool, Cotton, Polyester, Viscose and Silk

I (used to) know virtually nothing about the differences in fabrics. Perhaps that silk was silky, wool came from animals and that polyester was synthetic but the details were few and far between. Not knowing the properties of different types of fabrics can be a nightmare. It makes it hard to take those details into account when shopping online, and unless you’re the kind of person who reads and listens to labels (c’mon, they’re being over cautious… right?) laundry time can result in disaster.

I took it on myself to familiarize myself with a few of the more popular types of fabrics, so that I can make more educated choices and care better for my clothes. There are many different kinds of fabrics, especially when you start mixing and matching (‘blending’), but I’m going to look at wool, cotton, polyester, viscose and silk.


Wool actually comes from a variety of animal coats, and its the way in which the wool fibres have little curls in them (think, sheep for example) that create a ‘spongy’ feel and gives way to its characteristic cozy warmth.

Not all wools are scratchy either, the coat above is a wool blend but the materials is quite soft with a fuzzy surface. Characteristic of wool, along with the fact that it has very little shine or sheen.

Wool is a resilient fabric, it’ll return to its original condition after being stretched or creased, and is pretty resistant to dirt, and wear and tear.

It will also absorb up to 30% of its weight in moisture without feeling damp, which makes it excellent for winter wear.

Wool is generally bulky and heavy, but other varieties such as worsted wool are smoother and finer. Worsted wool is a bit more ‘shiny,’ and unlike wool-wool holds creases.

Caring For Wool

  • Don’t wash wool to often! Washing wool too frequently can wear out the fabric, and shorten its life.
  • Instead, in between washing wool garments brush off the dirt and don’t let it settle. I’ve also heard that you can ‘refresh’ wool by putting it in a steamy bathroom.
  • When you do need to wash wool, put it on a delicate settings and don’t rub it.
  • Wool should never be put in the dryer, as that is likely to result in shrinking.


Cotton is soft and comfortable. It’s best property is its ability to ‘breathe’ by absorbing and releasing perspiration quickly. It’s a high quality fabric, can withstand high heat and lasts for years.

Unfortunately cotton wrinkles, and 100% cotton garments must be ironed regularly to keep their appearance.

Cotton will shrink the first time it is washed, although some cotton clothes come pre-shrunk it is important to check this out.

Lower quality cottons are prone to pilling.

Caring For Cotton

  • Cotton is relatively low maintenance and can be washed in a washing machine using warm water and soap.
  • Cotton can also be dried in a dryer on a low heat, or hung to dry on a clothesline, but be careful when putting dark-coloured cottons in the dryer as this will cause the colour to fade over time.
  • Iron to remove winkles, but take care not to iron over stains as this will end up ‘setting’ the stains (making them permanent).


Polyester has a bit of a bad reputation, but current polyester fabrics have a reasonably nice feel. Its best property is that it’s strong and resistant to creasing, thus polyester garments keep their shape quite well. You’ll often find polyester blended with cotton to help the cotton keep its shape and prevent it from wrinkling (this is known as a ‘permanent press’ property).

Polyester is resilient and resists biological damage, it wears quite well and is easy to wash.

100% polyester fabrics (like the top above) are actually quite soft and smooth. Almost satiny. They have a bit of give give in them.


  • Polyester is machine washable, and can be dried on low heat setting in your dryer or by hung out to air dry.
  • If you are putting polyester items in the dryer, don’t leave it running too long. This can cause shrinkage.
  • Polyester usually doesn’t require ironing, but you can use an iron on a warm setting if need be. Don’t use a hot setting as polyester can scorch.


I’ve done a bit of research, and I still can’t say what the difference between viscose and rayon. Some say that rayon and viscose is the same thing, just different terminology, others say that viscose is a type of rayon. For our purposes, we’ll look at them together. Viscose has a silky appearance and feel, it breathes like cotton and has a good ‘drape.’ It’s relatively light, resulting in lightweight clothing.

Its main drawback is that it wrinkles very easily, which is why I’m always finding my viscose t-shirts crumbled and crinkly.


  • Viscose requires delicate hand in cool – luke warm water with washing for proper care, with no wringing or twisting (apparently this can cause the fabric to rip).
  • If its a relatively unimportant item (t-shirts, for example) you may be able to get away with putting it in a wash back for a machine wash on a delicate setting… but tread with caution!
  • Hang wet items and let them dry that way, this will also help to remove any creasing.
  • To remove wrinkles, iron using a medium setting with steam.


Silk is made from the fibres of the cocoon of the Chinese silkworm. It is spun into a smooth, shiny and sleek fabric. Silk absorbs moisture, which makes it cool in the summer and warm in the winter – and its this high level of absorbency that means it can be dyed many different colors.

It feels quite luxurious! Silk retains its shape, drapes well and caresses the figure.


  • Silk care will depend on the type of silk, so here I do recommend checking the label. Sometimes you will need to take silk to be dry cleaned.
  • Unless the label clearly states that the item is machine washable, was by hand. Use gold water, and massage soap through the garment, gently! Rinse our the soap with cold water.
  • To dry, never ring out/twist silk as this could damage it. Instead, lay it out on a dry towel, and then use another towel to soak up the excess water. Hang the garment up once you’ve removed the heaviest of the water, and let it dry out on the hanger. Padded hangers are recommended – wire ones will leave an impression and are generally just not good, and wooden hangers can stain the fabric.
  • Don’t hang sin the sun, as it will eventually yellow/fade.
  • Use a low setting on an iron to remove any persistent wrinkles – but most will cease on their own.

Fabric Talk : Uses for most of the Round Neck & Collar T-Shirt

Today let's talk about fabric.

Learn more about fabric ! Fabric that use for clothing and suit your desires.

Fabrics are manufactured from various raw-materials which are available from nature or artificially generated or mix of both. Fabrics can be classified based on the origin of fibers and its processes or its end usage.

Natural fabrics are those which are created from the fibers of animals coats, the cocoons of silkworms, and plants seeds, leaves and stems. It is breathable and never cause rashes apart from being soft and durable. Natural fabric is the best choice for everyone. It does not change color from UV light and there is no warming until the material looses its tensile strength.

Synthetic or man-made fabrics are made from fibers which are either completely made from inorganic materials or organic materials combined with chemicals. Synthetic fabrics have numerous properties with the purpose for which it is produced and finished. Some are lightweight with ultra sheer while others are moisture wicking and fast drying. Few are very luxurious to imitate some other natural fabrics and some are very strong and tough.

Cotton Fabric

The fabric which is believed to be most soothing and safe is called as cotton fabric. Immense use of cotton fabric for infant s dresses or beddings is a live testimony of its softness and skin-friendliness. Cotton fabric has a distinctive feature that it adjusts easily with climatic requirements that is why it is called all-season fabric. In summer season cotton fabric keeps the body cool and absorbs the sweat easily whereas they give a warm feel if worn in winder season.

Сotton fiber differs markedly from other cellulose fibers in morphological traits. Due to many features, сotton even though it was discovered later than other fibers gained a superior position and stimulated immense development of textile industry. Among the advantages of cotton fabric we can name the following:

1. Сotton fabrics show good durability and utility (but still сotton fabrics are inferior to synthetic fabrics in durability). Сotton is a chemically stable material, it stays undamaged even under the continuous exposure of weak acids and alkalis.

2. High water-absorbing capacity. In humid atmosphere cotton fabric can absorb 27% of water without getting damp.

3. Cotton fabric has very good breathable characteristics, it is hypoallergenic, agreeable to touch, it is suits perfectly for people with skin hypersensibility. It has low thermal-conductivity, therefore it is an ideal material for both summer and winter clothes: in summer it prevents your skin from heat, and in winter it preserves the warmth of your body.

4. Cotton fabrics are easy to dye.

5. Cotton fabrics have very low elasticity characteristics, so they almost don't stretch.

6. They are easy washable and can be ironed even at high temperature.

Сotton fabric is often used with WR (water resistance), OP (oil proof), flame retardant (FR) finishes, XM Textiles also provides cotton fabric with antistatic fibers. Cotton fabrics often find its application in producing workwear with high hygienic requirements and clothing for protection against low temperatures.

Linen Fabric

Linen is called as king of natural fabric. Linen is extensively used for apparel making and home furnishing as well. Linen, being a natural fiber is considered to be safe for all types of skin. Linen fabric is also suggested for sensitive skin as its natural properties makes it resistant for allergies.

Linen fabric do not cause problems like irritation, allergic reaction etc. The natural fiber of linen makes it strong and durable. Linen is an easy maintainable fabric. No special treatments are required for linen; it can be simply washed by hands. Although linen is used for all kinds of clothing, yet mostly used for home furnishing items like table cloth, bedspreads, curtains etc

Jersey Fabric

Jersey is a knit fabric used predominantly for clothing manufacture. It was originally made of wool, but is now made of wool, cotton, and synthetic fibres. Since medieval times Jersey, Channel Islands, where the material was first produced, had been an important exporter of knitted goods and the fabric in wool from Jersey became well known. The fabric can be a very stretchy single knitting, usually light-weight, jersey with one flat side and one piled side. When made with a lightweight yarn, this is the fabric most often used to make T-shirts. Or it can be a double knitted jersey (interlock jersey), with less stretch, that creates a heavier fabric of two single jerseys knitted together to leave the two flat sides on the outsides of the fabric, with the piles in the middle. Jersey is considered to be an excellent fabric for draped garments, such as dresses, and women's tops.

Mircofiber Fabric

Microfiber or microfibre is synthetic fiber finer than one or 1.3 denier or decitex/thread. This is 1/100th the diameter of a human hair and 1/20th the diameter of a strand of silk. The most common types of microfibers are made from polyesters, polyamides (e.g., nylon, Kevlar, Nomex, trogamide), or a conjugation of polyester, polyamide, and polypropylene (Prolen). Microfiber is used to make mats, knits, and weaves for apparel, upholstery, industrial filters, and cleaning products. The shape, size, and combinations of synthetic fibers are selected for specific characteristics, including softness, toughness, absorption, water repellency, electrodynamics, and filtering capabilities.

Microfiber fabric is often used for athletic wear, such as cycling jerseys, because the microfiber material wicks moisture (sweat) away from the body, keeping the wearer cool and dry. Microfiber is also very elastic, making it suitable for undergarments. However, the US Marine Corps banned synthetic fabrics in forward environments due to melting and burn risk.

Microfiber is also used to make tough, very soft-to-the-touch materials for general clothing use, often used in skirts and jackets. Microfiber can be made into Ultrasuede, an animal-product-free imitation suede that is cheaper[citation needed] and easier to clean and sew than real suede.

Polyester Fabric

Polyester is a type of fabric that is not found naturally. The polyester fabric is man made. The polyester fabric is widely used in various applications and is very much in demand in markets. This fabric has various qualities due to those it is so popular like wrinkle resistance and springing back into its smooth shape. The polyester fabric is very strong and soft as well.

The polyester fabric can also be mixed with other fabrics to make a strong and durable fabric or to achieve any other motive. For example, In upholstery, polyester is generally blended with wool to eliminate crushing and reduce fading. There are various uses of polyester fabric like it is used in casement curtains, draperies, floor coverings, throw rugs, bedding, and as a cushioning or insulating material.
Polyester is resilient and resists biological damage, it wears quite well and is easy to wash.

100% polyester fabrics (like the top above) are actually quite soft and smooth. Almost satiny. They have a bit of give give in them.

TC Fabric

TC stands for for Tetron Cotton. Tetron is a material that blended with polyester. (65% Polyester, 35% Rayon)
TC fabric is a very popular type of polyester cotton fabric that is used for different types of workwear, uniform and corporate clothing.

This kind of workwear fabric provides an optimum polyester/cotton proportion that guarantees excellent strength properties and good hygienic characteristics. Special final finishes and good quality of the dye stuff allow us to achieve high grade of color-fastness, high temperature of washing and low percentage of shrinkage. These fabrics almost do not lose shape, don't crease, have a very small shrinkage index and good colorfastness, they wash easily and show very good breathable, hygroscopic and durable properties.

To improve the properties of T/C fabrics we apply special softening finishes that give our fabrics excellent tactile perception, water repellent and oil repellent finishes to defend people against rain and oil.

CVC Fabric

CVC fabrics or Chief Value Cotton fabrics are fabrics made of cotton and polyester, that contain larger percentages of cotton yearn that polyester. They are mostly used in production of hospital garments and are also recommended for manufacture of uniforms and work wear.

CVC fabric is a result of polyester and cotton blending in the certain proportion. Interwoven CVC fabrics are characterized by enlarged percentage of cotton yarn that provides better hygienic properties in comparison with TC fabrics and better strength characteristics in comparison with 100% cotton fabrics. Also they guarantee low shrinkage, high color-fastness and perfect durability.

Most types of CVC fabrics have the same constructions as T/C fabrics and differ from them by enlarged percentage of cotton only. XM Textiles offers regular interwoven CVC fabrics and CVC fabrics with polyester yarn exterior. In this case cotton yarn is placed on the interior that guarantees excellent hygienic characteristics. We recommend to choose this materials for people with hypersensibility. CVC fabrics are perfect for producing medical and chef clothes, shirts. All CVC fabrics are suitable for workwear, uniforms and corporate clothes for all kind of industries.

I AM T-Shirt

Design terbaru yang di reka khas untuk kelab Photography yang di pimpin oleh gadis-gadis molek berasal dari Setapak.
Baju ini di adaptasi dari logo sebuah rancangan televisyen yang bertajuk "Fear Factor"
Sisipan gambar ini adalah di berikan oleh salah seorang ahli kelab tersebut.

Printing Type : Silk Screen Printing
Fabric : Cotton
Price : RM30
Size : S-XXL

Gambar sekadar hiasan

Fred Perry Tee's

Fred Perry datang lagi ! Bukan Katy Perry ye
Design terbaru ini baru tiba di stor kami.
Quality : AAA
Fabric : Cotton

Ingin mengetahui lebih lanjut mengenai rekaan Fred Perry Tee's ini, sila hubungi kami di 011-11618817

Koleksi Fred Perry

Fred Perry Tee's is UP !

Grab a chance to have your own Fred Perry Tee's with just RM90
This is newly design that just arrived to our store.
Don't forget to contact me if you interested with any of our design